Two Poor Cashiers

WP_20141112_074Romanian autumn,
windy and void
made both of us realize –
we are unemployed.

So, we started an exchange
Dreaming of a good wage
Until Dracula came
And nothing was the same

He made us climb the mountains
And cook for hundreds
He got drunk every day
And burst balloons on our way
And then he reminded us, oh no –
Unemployment is still high
in Italy and Spain.

Our dream was in vain,
Our tears rolled like rain
But then our friend Joe said: Hey!
We are not that lame!
We just need to get up and play
according to the rules of our own game
And if we don’t have one, then – create
our own job and own game!

So, we looked into a mirror
and saw no more fear
to become managers, rockstars, engineers
or two poor cashiers
selling vegetables and matchboxes
to lonely pensioners.

It’s our life
after all!
And we should love it as it appears,
So, let’s have a beer, and – cheers!


2 responses to “Two Poor Cashiers

  1. yes, Agnija. take your life in your hands.

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