¿Obama is in Spain?

WP_20150921_009Porque, I am also going to document my learning Espanol experiences, from time to time I will write in both languages. I will make mistakes. I will show funny situations. I will highlight my favorite words and generally ponder over this bonita language Espanol. So, welcome to my playground, and welcome to correct me!

My first semana en Espana y en Ribadavia was intense in learning. Though I had not watched TV for more than diez years, I decided to take an advantage of the presence of television en my apartment and watch las noticias todos dias. So to say – I started my learning Espagnol with getting used to the melody of this lengua bonita.

One day, among las noticias about refugees, I saw a broadcast of the US President Obama shaking hands with people from Espana and saying some words importante about cooperation with Espana and importance of its presence in Europe and the world. So, my first pregunta was: Is Obama in Spain? Hmm, I guess he is. Why would otherwise they broadcast this episode in todos las noticias?But couldn’t he choose a better country to visit at this time of refugee crisis en Europe? Because that una sentence he said kept repeticion again and again, I started thinking this visit must be really importante.

Later, in my Spanish class, I told my teacher that I had been watching las noticas, and saw that Obama was in Espana. She laughed. “Oh no,” she said. “It’s Spanish King and Queen visiting Obama in the US.”

Well, this is what I call a playground…:) Estoy aprendiendo.

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