New blog about EVS in Ribadavia

Since September 2015, I have started a new blog to document my EVS (European Voluntary Service) experiences in Ribadavia, Spain. The title of the blog is Ribadavia Behind the Grapes and through the eyes of an EVS volunteer.ribadaviablog

Ribadavia Behind the Grapes is an easy and fun way to capture my experiences during one year period of European Voluntary Service (EVS). It is a platform where I will portray the local life of this little, cute village Ribadavia (in Galicia). I will show that behind its vineyard curtains, there is a huge potential for creativity, energy, kindness and diversity of all kinds. It is also a platform to document my EVS learning experiences starting from new, funny Spanish words to cooking discoveries. This blog will follow my routes and paths inside and outside of Ribadavia, remaining its soul that wonders about everything new, meets people, eats new food, visits places, speaks Spanish and does many other activities. Stay tuned – you’ll see!

Follow me in Ribadavia, and let’s enjoy my EVS together! 🙂

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