Category Archives: Brussels

They work in an office

The photo is taken from the exhibition at the Academie de Arts in Brussels, Belgium. 2013.

The photo is taken from the exhibition at the Academie de Arts in Brussels, Belgium. 2013.

“So, the cleaning man stole it. Where is it? Where is my camera?” She is furious. She can’t find it.

She works in an office. So does he.

She works eight hours a day from nine to five. So does he.

She is based in one office. He walks into many offices during a day.

She is sitting by her computer and browsing different websites as he walks in. He comes in and empties her trash bin.

She is typing. He is cleaning.

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India, Bring Spring to Brussels!

To describe my first days in Brussels with one color, I would choose gray. Gray not only in terms of gloomy weather, but also the rhythm of life. People get up in the morning, go to work, earn money, go out, go for dinner, party on weekends. Unless you are a newcomer who needs to get used to metro that runs in two levels or find your way in the city, life seems to be more or less predictable, stable and in some way comfortable. At least the slice you get to taste as not being fully integrated yet. It’s mid March. I have moved to Brussels to do a traineeship at the European Commission. If I look at my life exactly one year back, everything seems totally opposite. I was living in Hyderabad (India) with more sun, more adventures, more colors. People welcomed spring in the craziest way I have seen so far – splashing colors everywhere and at everyone. They call it Holi, Hindu festival of colors.

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Doing a traineeship at the European Commission

It was February when I got to know that I have been selected for a traineeship at the European Commission/DG Connect/ FET Flaghsips Unit.

Therefore, from March 15 to July 31, 2013 I am living in Brussels and enjoying the EuroBubble with suits and ties, meetings and networkings, coffees and lunch breakes, Place Chateilain on Wednesdays and Place Luxembourg on Thursdays.