Category Archives: Lianshui

Aggressive landing or quasi-romantic relationship with my Chinese guest

IMG_0298“Are you there?”


“Are you there, I am asking.”


“Well, in case you are and only find it funny to ignore me, this is what you need to know: I am planning to go to bed. Now. I don’t want any interventions from your side. Neither now. Nor in the middle of night or early in the morning. Is this clear?”

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The Lianshui Dance

My First Impressions of a Chinese County

Ongoing clatter of children, always busy ping pong tables and basketball courts, random flowers being given to their foreign teachers, smiles, the melodious bell ring; my soft bed where you want to sleep longer and longer, a little dusty windowsill, my newly bought mug with green liquid inside (a unique design) and quite spacious and luxurious apartment with a Chinese painting on the wall, soft carpets, perfect bathroom. They say it’s 4 stars. Hunger for Facebook or Blogspot which are blocked here… desire to update my status… crowds flowing to dining hall, crowds sitting at classes, crowds, crowds, crowds. I have arrived in China. I have arrived in Lianshui, a very small county of 1 million people, a part of Huai’an city in South East China. I have arrived at school where I will be teaching English.

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