Category Archives: Hyderabad

“What I Learnt from a Cockroach” in Peace blog

My story What I Learnt from a Cockroach has been published on Peace Blog.

It’s a story of how I did not kill a cockroach that flew in my apartment in Hyderabad (India), but instead ran out myself and got into another experience – an invitation go down to the neighbors – which made me forget the cockroach and the fear I had.

Interview at METRO INDIA

Hyderabad based newspaper “Metro India” interviewed me about my writings and special relationship with India and Hyderabad.

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Wifi in Hyderabad as sweet and rare as lollipops

WP_20130730_003Even if some cafés in Hyderabad say they have wifi, it is usually a lie.

On a day when there is no wifi in the place where I stay, I decide to roam around with my laptop and wander in some café with an internet. Mind, not an internet café. What I find are all kinds of excuses why wifi is not working.

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Which country? Are you married?


One of the things that makes me smile in India is the peculiar way of Indian men communicating to foreign ladies. It’s a fine, sunny Wednesday noon in Hyderabad, and I have arranged a meeting with a sort-of-a-friend of mine (male) at the GVK Mall. It’s only ten minute walk from Banjara Hills where I currently stay. Continue reading

Cinderella’s Wedding Dress

On this special Sunday evening of Anurag and Ajala’s wedding Chowmahalla Palace looked magnificent as always. Adorned in its white, glistening marble surrounded by refreshing fountains and vivacious palm trees and bushes, like oasis it saved the city of Hyderabad from busy markets, aggressive vendors and shabby buildings. There, white wedding chairs were leisurely dwelling on the lush, green lawn as if longing to welcome the guests – ladies in beauteous sarees, gentlemen in imperial kurtas – who would majestically arrive at the place, then gracefully sit and contemplate the splendid view and later pamper themselves with the refined feast.

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Lizzy, Pigeons and Other Inhabitants in Hyderabad

1f6dc-img_8696Perhaps, I subconsciously miss them. She used to greet me every morning when I turned on the light at 6 o’clock and fearfully looked around searching: where will she be this time? From where will she creep out? How will she shock me?That was her. Mischievous and completely unpredictable. Continue reading

Let’s celebrate it Indian way!

It seemed to be a usual school day, however it wasn’t. The school buses were picking up spider men, witches, butterflies, princesses and many other characters. What??? Am I going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry today? I was thinking. No. It’s 31st of October. Halloween. No wonder why children from younger classes were enjoying this day with their special customs. „Happy Halloween!” wished their school’s Principal in the morning assembly. Indians like to celebrate! And if there seems to be no reason, they will find it! Isn’t it nice to get sweets every day?

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