Category Archives: Jordan

Turkish coffee in Amman: doors always open


On our first day of a training course in Amman, we were divided into groups and asked to do several tasks, such astaking a jumping group photo, asking certain questions to the locals and other assignments that basically involved wandering in the streets of Amman and exploring the local culture and people. Visiting a random local family appeared to be the easiest task and definitely my favourite one. We were actually working on another assignment when a man that we were interviewing in one of the local neighbourhoods invited us to come in.

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Reciting my poem “Arrival in Amman”

I had an opportunity to recite my poem “Arrival in Amman” in the closing event of the training course “Baltic-MEDA Bridges for Dialogue” in Amman, Jordan. The training course took place in August, 2013.

Arrival in Amman

I am finally in Amman
After borders of two
Israel and Jordan
Having crossed on a long, long tour
This is more than coming back
More than a feeling
More than the once experienced
world: so unique and relieving
With Arabic music on streets
With someone saying so sweet:
Mozza, habibi, gamila*,
And I laugh: aiwa, ana Masreya, Masreya, Masreya**!

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