Category Archives: Performances

Prose Evening in Riga

Reading my short story “Mazmājiņas” in a prose evening at “Mansards”.

Riga, Latvia. December 2014.


Photo by Vitaly Vinogradov.

Talk “Adventurous India” in Lamakaan

10583141_10204446499832492_1798795063_nOn 7th of August 2o14 I had a wonderful opportunity to read a few of my stories in the event called “Adventurous India – A Narrative by a European” that took place in Lamakaan (an open cultural space) in Hyderabad, India. This was my debut reading in India, and I was thrilled to see so many people in the audience interested in my experiences in this country that has become so close to me.

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Reading “Supergirl” at Positivus festival

WP_20140718_008On 18th of July 2014, I read my short story “Supergirl” to the audience of Positivus festival which is the largest music and arts festival in the Baltic States. My short story was chosen as one of the 18 stories to be published in the newspaper Diena, the Culture section hereContinue reading

My second prose reading

IMG_2162On 15th of May, 2014 I was honoured to experience my second prose reading that took place in Mazā Ģilde (The Small Guild) in Riga, Latvia. The event was organized in order to welcome Spring by works of budding poets and writers.

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My first prose reading

I was reading my short story “Kā es tevi mīlu…” (“How I love you…” in English from Latvian) at the annual Latvian Prose Festival in December, 2013.


Reciting my poem “Arrival in Amman”

I had an opportunity to recite my poem “Arrival in Amman” in the closing event of the training course “Baltic-MEDA Bridges for Dialogue” in Amman, Jordan. The training course took place in August, 2013.